“When poetry has done it’s important work of revealing and describing the hidden hell we carry and perpetuate, it also has this power and privilege to cleanse and renew our vision, and set us on the right road again.” ~ Malcolm Guite, Page 91 – The Word in the Wilderness

I have never considered myself a poet, but I have written poetry since 2004, or at least what I call poetry. I tend to write poetry most often in order to help me process life or emotions. At times it seems a more simple way to identify what’s going on inside me. It helps in both “revealing and describing” my internal conflicts and emotions, as well as to “cleanse and renew” my outlook. 

Words Fall Silent

Words Fall Silent

I drafted this poem one evening after seeing the movie, Here Today, with Billy Crystal about living in the midst of a dementia diagnosis.

I Do it Just for You!

I Do it Just for You!

Did you see me winking at you this morning, before I sent the sun over the horizon?Did you know it was me, or did you just see stars covered in clouds? Did you see the depth of my sky this morning,...