24 Years of Wedded Bliss

24 Years of Wedded Bliss

Today, June 27, 2021, my wife and I celebrate 24 years of marriage. While we have had some hard years there have been many more good years. I’m grateful for Rebecca putting up with me, God taking mercy on me and friends and family, as well as many others for...
My Love / Hate Relationship with Poetry

My Love / Hate Relationship with Poetry

Growing up I had this love/hate relationship with poetry. I wanted to like it, and I tried to read it many times, but most times it felt as if I was reading a foreign language…a bunch of words jumbled together in all the wrong order with no punctuations. It might as...
Words Fall Silent

Words Fall Silent

I drafted this poem one evening after seeing the movie, Here Today, with Billy Crystal. Although the movie’s major theme is about the unlikely yet touching friendship formed between two very different characters, a veteran comedy writer – Charley Burnz, and a singer –...