As I sit on my back porch waiting for the sun to rise, I reflect upon my life that is and is to come. It’s quiet here, except for my sprinkler running, and the birds chirping.
As I sit in silence, coffee in hand, my mind often turns to God and His glorious creation…what that is and how I see it. I see the sky turning shades of pinks and reds as the sunlight bounces off clouds before reaching me. The cool breeze blowing across my porch.

As I think about my many blessings, the full realization hits me: My life is nothing without Jesus. Without him, I am a big lump of accidental explosion. I am so thankful that I know where I have come from, and that I know who brought me to where I am, and that I know who will take me into the future.
I started this note to try to describe to you what I go through almost every morning, especially the mornings I get up and give God my morning, whether it be having coffee on my porch, or sitting reading my bible, or another book. But I can’t put into words what I am feeling. I wish I could. I want you to experience what I experience. The awesome love I feel He has for me. The Glory I bask in every morning. The awe in which I sit and wonder why…
why He chose to do what He did for people like you and I.
We fail so much. We give up so often. We ask forgiveness so many times. If I had a friend like me, I wouldn’t be friends with him very long. I guess that’s why it’s good that we are His children, and not His friend. My hope is that some of you will stop, and try to experience what I’m experiencing. I pray you succeed, because I catch just small glimpses of His glory, and it brings me to tears in awe and admiration, but also in repentance. Repentance for the pain I bring Him. Repentance for the life I choose over Him. Repentance for the pain I knowingly inflict by rebelling against Him.
I hope you can catch a glimpse of His glory this morning. I know that it won’t be because of what I have written because it is SO VERY inadequate, but I am at a loss for how to fully describe it. The good news is, I don’t have to. It’s not mine alone. You can experience it for yourself.
Right now, would you stop what you are doing for a moment, reflect upon God, Jesus, your surroundings, your loved ones. Reflect upon what you have in this life that brings you joy and happiness. Look out your window. Experience God all around you. Can you see him in the setting sun? Can you feel him in the breeze? Can you hear him in the sounds of His creation. He’s there, tune in, and if I can help, please reach out.